Someone once said to me, "You smile all the time!", almost as if that was a bad thing. And I do, I will admit that. Some part of me is wired, no matter what kind of day I am having, no matter what is going on in my personal life, when I am out and about, I am generally smiling. Is my life perfect? No. Do I always feel the way I look? Not right at first. But I have found, if you want to be happy, you need to go around with a smile on your face.
First, it makes other people react to you in a positive way. Who doesn't need that? (Well except that one person who seemed to think it must be a trick or something...) When you start any interaction with a smile on your face instead of a frown, (even on the phone when they can't see you), you will get a more positive experience.
Try it the next time you wait in line at a car rental place, or have to be on hold for 20 minutes to talk to the bank. I guarantee you will notice more often than not that the transaction goes better when you start with a smile.
Second, smiling makes you happy! There are even studies proving it! (
When you smile, you brain releases some of those great endorphins that are better than drugs and you start to feel better.
Anyway, the point of all this is, if you want to live longer, you need to be happier.(another link
Science is a wonderful thing when it proves that something I have always believed is actually true!
So what do I do besides smiling to be happy?
I find positive people who will share their great energy with me whenever we chat, just by being them. I make sure I touch base with people like this at least once a day.
I exercise. When I exercise, it also releases those fantastic endorphins that make you feel good. My exercise of choice is kundalini yoga, so I not only get those endorphins from the exertion, I also get a bit of meditation and rhythmic breathing, which also helps with my peace of mind, which contributes to being happy.
I sleep properly. I found this one was a real struggle for a while, but now that I have a routine that works, I try to follow it most nights if at all possible. I go to bed at a reasonable time. I do my night-time oils (Cedarwood, Serenity, Clary Sage on the bottoms of my feet), and set up my diffuser with Easy Air and On Guard, and I turn off all the tech.
I eat properly. Food fuels the machine we all walk around in, so eating the right amount of the right foods really helps to make it work efficiently and when I feel good, I perform better and I feel happier. I include my Life Long Vitality supplements in my healthy eating routine because when I take those every day, it makes a huge difference.
I do something fun for a part of every day. Not always a big fun thing - sometimes it's just reading a good book for 10 minutes before bed. But, all work and no play is no recipe for a happy life.
Essential oils are really effective to uplift a mood into a positive space. It's hard to be in a bad mood when you are diffusing something that makes you feel good. For me, that is often one of the citrus oils.
I really like Elevation and Motivate blends because they combine a number of different uplifting oils and smell absolutely fantastic, but a simple Wild Orange is enough to make me smile.
I also really love to wear essential oils as my personal fragrance. I might have Jasmine on when I am traveling to not only make me feel good, but to also keep me calm.
The Jasmine Touch roll-on is handy to carry in a purse or coat pocket and has a long lasting scent that I just love. I find it makes me happy to smell that scent and I get a lot of compliments whenever I wear it.
Whatever you do to increase your Happy Quotient, be sure to do something because the science says Happy = long life!
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