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Essentials on the Road Again!!

Sep 03, 2018

Last year, I was on the road for over 6 months of the year. This year, my trips have been a bit shorter, but I still ended up traveling on several work and personal trips. In order to enjoy all of that travel instead of dreading it, I need to be able to feel healthy through the entire experience. 

I try to keep to all of my regular routines - eat healthy, sleep enough, even exercise - but of course, that doesn't always happen, so I have a few tricks to make sure my slips don't make the trip less fun.

1. When I eat something that disagrees... I have a couple of choices. If it is mainly heartburn or gas, I reach for my Peppermint. I may even add it to my water pro-actively because I really like the flavour anyway. For a really upset stomach or traveller's distress, I reach for the ZenGest (DigestZen in the US). It is also great in water if you enjoy a liquorice, or if you don't, you can rub it on your tummy area or add it to a gel cap. 

2. When I don't get enough veggies (or whatever)... I am always careful to bring along enough of my Life Long Vitality Supplements to carry me through the trip. MitoMax is a great addition to ensure you have the energy to enjoy everything that comes up. 

3. To get to sleep more easily... I use a combination of Serenity, Cedarwood and Clary Calm on my feet before bed. I like to use blends, but it isn't strictly necessary - there are quite a few choices when it comes to relaxing for bed, so maybe ask me for a sample of one or two and see what works best for you. I don't mind helping you find the right one.

4. When I don't get quite enough sleep, or I'm just dragging a bit through the day... Again, Peppermint is my friend for this one. I like to use the beadlets and just pop one in my mouth quickly - that menthol really wakes you up! Another great choice is one of the citrus oils - their bright aroma always gives me fresh energy. I generally carry Lemon because of my allergies, so I can use that, but I also usually have Wild Orange - either one works great!

5. When I am a bit stiff from unaccustomed types of exercise... I sometimes find that even though I do my usual yoga in the morning, extra walking or driving can leave me stiff and sore part way through my trip. I always reach for Deep Blue. I carry the Touch roller in my purse and have the Deep Blue Rub in my shower bag. A quick rub of Deep Blue will solve my stiff muscles or that knee that hates stairs so I can continue to enjoy my trip.

Next time you are travelling, don't forget to bring your essential oils. Whether you need them a couple of times or several times a day, you will be glad you have them with you! ​


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